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· Good working performance through thyristor controlled circuit eliminating contactors

· Long Serviceable life

· Power saving through usage of high quality conductive material and superior secondary circuit

· Efficient water cooling circuit

· Lower exhaust noise through unique construction

· Safe usage through high insulation techniques

· Electronic Timer for consistent welds


Rated Capacity (50% duty cycle): 15KVA

Rated Primary Voltage: 230/415V

Rated Frequency: 50 Hz

Rated Maximum Input: 20KVA

Duty Cycle: 9%

Rated Secondary current 7,500A (max)

Dimensions of throat opening: depth 300mm, opening 150mm

Tip holder: diameter 22mm, length 153mm

Tip: diameter 16mm, taper 1 / 5

Maximum electrode force: 180 Kg

Quantity of cooling water: 6 liters per minute

Net weight: 118 Kg approx

Dimensions (WxDxH): 335 x 640 x 1190mm



HEADQUARTERS Syracuse, New York Tel. (966) 399-3414